Lona Scott UK


Frequently Asked Questions.

01. What makes cashmere so special compared to other materials?

Cashmere is highly regarded for its luxurious softness, warmth, and lightweight feel. It is obtained from the soft undercoat of cashmere goats, known for its fine fibres that are softer and lighter than those of sheep’s wool. This unique combination of qualities makes cashmere a prized material for high-quality clothing and accessories. As well as its durable properties, garments produced out of cashmere can last between 5-10 years if well looked after.

02. Why is 100% cashmere mostly compared to an investment?
100% cashmere is often considered a worthwhile investment due to its exceptional quality and durability. While cashmere products may initially have a higher price tag compared to other materials, their longevity and luxurious feel make them a valuable addition to any wardrobe. With proper care, 100% cashmere items can last for many years, making them a cost-effective choice in the long run and a better choice for the environment.
03. How do I care for 100% cashmere or delicate items to ensure they maintain their quality?

To maintain the softness and integrity of 100% cashmere, wool and delicate products, it’s essential to handle them with care. We recommend hand washing in cold water or using a gentle wool cycle on your washing machine while using our Cashmere Detergent. Avoid wringing or stretching the fabric and instead gently press out excess water and reshape the garment while damp. Lay flat to dry away from direct heat or sunlight. Additionally, store cashmere items folded into a protective pouch such as our Cedar Wood scented – Cashmere Storage Bag. We also have an intricate way to care for your cashmere products – step by step guide – click here to read.

04. Will my 100% cashmere item pill over time?

Pilling, the formation of small balls of fibre on the surface of the fabric, can occur with cashmere garments, especially during initial wear. However, high-quality 100% cashmere products are less prone to pilling compared to blends or lower-grade cashmere. Regularly brushing your cashmere item with our soft Cashmere comb can help remove any pills and keep the fabric looking smooth and pristine.

05. Can I wear 100% cashmere in different seasons?

Yes, one of the remarkable qualities of 100% cashmere is its versatility. Cashmere provides excellent insulation, keeping you warm in colder weather, while also being lightweight and breathable, making it suitable for transitional seasons and even cool summer evenings. Whether you’re layering up for winter or adding a touch of luxury to your spring wardrobe, 100% cashmere offers year-round comfort and style, making it the ideal product for seasonless fashion.

01. What makes cashmere so special compared to other materials?

Cashmere is highly regarded for its luxurious softness, warmth, and lightweight feel. It is obtained from the soft undercoat of cashmere goats, known for its fine fibres that are softer and lighter than those of sheep’s wool. This unique combination of qualities makes cashmere a prized material for high-quality clothing and accessories. As well as its durable properties, garments produced out of cashmere can last between 5-10 years if well looked after.

02. Why is 100% cashmere mostly compared to an investment?

100% cashmere is often considered a worthwhile investment due to its exceptional quality and durability. While cashmere products may initially have a higher price tag compared to other materials, their longevity and luxurious feel make them a valuable addition to any wardrobe. With proper care, 100% cashmere items can last for many years, making them a cost-effective choice in the long run and a better choice for the environment.

03. How do I care for 100% cashmere or delicate items to ensure they maintain their quality?

To maintain the softness and integrity of 100% cashmere, wool and delicate products, it’s essential to handle them with care. We recommend hand washing in cold water or using a gentle wool cycle on your washing machine while using our Cashmere Detergent. Avoid wringing or stretching the fabric and instead gently press out excess water and reshape the garment while damp. Lay flat to dry away from direct heat or sunlight. Additionally, store cashmere items folded into a protective pouch such as our Cedar Wood scented – Cashmere Storage Bag. We also have an intricate way to care for your cashmere products – step by step guide – click here to read.

04. Will my 100% cashmere item pill over time?

Pilling, the formation of small balls of fibre on the surface of the fabric, can occur with cashmere garments, especially during initial wear. However, high-quality 100% cashmere products are less prone to pilling compared to blends or lower-grade cashmere. Regularly brushing your cashmere item with our soft Cashmere comb can help remove any pills and keep the fabric looking smooth and pristine.

05. Can I wear 100% cashmere in different seasons?

Yes, one of the remarkable qualities of 100% cashmere is its versatility. Cashmere provides excellent insulation, keeping you warm in colder weather, while also being lightweight and breathable, making it suitable for transitional seasons and even cool summer evenings. Whether you’re layering up for winter or adding a touch of luxury to your spring wardrobe, 100% cashmere offers year-round comfort and style, making it the ideal product for seasonless fashion.

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